Monday, June 1, 2009

Ok, so today is monday and i am frustrated already, not by my job but with women..How can a woman be with a man for years and not give herself to him 100%, not submit or by serving him hand and foot but in other ways..Emotional, Mental,and Sexual....The woman wants us men to do that to them and be happy about it, but when us men want 1 more than the other it a big damn deal...Women are sensative creatures and we love them but make love to me when i ask and even when i don't ask....Stop talking over me when I am talking to you about how I feel and my feelings.......Not sure why a woman does what she does and say what she say's....I guess thats on question we will never have the answer for....


  1. how can a man be with a woman, for a significant amount of time and not give her the things she really wants and needs? Men say 'i love u' without ever showing it, but we as women are still to believe those words? When women let men in, inside our minds, inside our hearts, we are willing to give it all but we have a need to feel that you are willing to give your all also. Sometimes we're afraid because when you let a man in emotionally, that gives him leverage to break your heart or to use those emotions to his advantage. A woman is to submit to her man when necessary, give him parts of her that no one else is even allowed to see, but the man has to earn that trust. Because when you love a man too hard, and the relationship is said and done, that woman is left still in love, unable to even allow another man to come in because she can't cut off that emotional and mental attachment. Because what happens when we tell you how we feel, what we want, what would make us work, and you act as if you are willing to give those things, yet you focus your attention on other things in your life. How are we to then know we are important? And when the relationship is over, men don't want to acknowledge that broken heart. Alot of times they turn their back to it, and the point is proven that no matter what she has said to you about how she feels and her feelings, you're only willing to give by your standards, not equally. And a woman wants to make love to her man whether he requests it or not, she wants to listen, she wants to feel what he feels, she wants to be everything to him that he is to her, and if she is not giving that to you, then her heart may be in it but her mind isn't. A woman will do things she never saw herself doing, act in ways she didn't even know she could, become the most emotional person you've ever known because she's in love with this man, and she may be unsure about his true feelings and if his love runs as deep, but she says what she says to get her point across, to give you the side of her you say you want, although it may be unruly and crazy at times.
    hope that gives you a little bit of insight....

  2. i was talking with some of my best male friends trying to get insight on why men cheat when they have been in a relationship for years and this is one of the mean reason because you can be with a person for years and not be in love with them but love them and when your not getting that excitement that you us to have then you look for it outside and fall in love with the woman your cheating with even though your not going to leave the woman you been with for years it gives you a outlet to what your missing at home instead of working things out at home or just move on but sometimes it's hard when you have kids but in the long run it's better to move on then just stay with someone who do not care about your wants and needs and don't even try.
