Tuesday, June 2, 2009

NYC Black Cop Shot

Yes people another brother in blue has been slain by his so-called brother in arms...Why is this happening so much to as a apeople and we let it go by and not doing anything about it..Just because they have a gun they really think they are god and can do anything they want...We as a people and a major force in the best city on the planet need to stand up and stop these acts against us..

Why was this man shot, the real reason is something we all know, it was color...Not to sound racist but facts are facts. If race was not the issue why does the NYC Police Commissioner "Raymond Kelly" want to speak to minority officers and support groups...Raymond come on man, are you blind or what..You should be having a meeting with all police and support groups not just black and hispanic groups...When are you going to stop and think about this and do the right thing....

Thank you Mr. Charles Rangel for your true and honest answer, the truth hurts and the mayor and the commissioner are hurting now...

R.I.P Omar Edwards

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